Last night was the premier of Onsight, Alastair Lee's new film. This was particularly exciting for me personally as it was the first night my wife and I were able get a baby sitter and get an evening out together. Also it was interesting to see what Alastair had done with the footage of our climbs on the Ben and in Iceland and check out the extraordinary levels of commitment required to onsight E7s and E8s.
Ian in Kaldakinn, Iceland from the film Onsight.

Its impossible to be objective about projects that you've been involved with closely. But I think Onsight is pretty special on several levels. Visually its stunning (the film is the first climbing one Ive seen in High Definition and on a big screen its mindblowing). Alastair has really raised his game on the editing, the dictionary of climbing definitions is hilarious. But most impressive is the effort of bringing out the drama of onsighting - surely its a miracle to turn 2 hours spent faffing on the crux of a climb look exciting?
Anyway a very large thumbs up at least now we know what to get those climbers in our life for christmas now. is Alastair's site if you want to buy a copy.
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