Headed up to the Lakes today. In the back of my mind I had a vain little plan to try to climb an VIII in Wales, Scotland and England within a month. Ben and I headed up to Bowfell North Buttress home to a couple of short intense routes that might fit the bill. Unfortunately in hindsight we probably made the wrong venue choice, as these routes were bare of snow, whereas there were rumours that Scafell and Gable were plastered. But I guess that's part of the learning process of getting to know an area and its winter ways. This would be my first proper winter route in the Lakes so I'm sure I have lots more mistakes to make and learn from.
Luckily a recent addition called Fight or Flight VII,7 was wintery and so we salvaged the day with a fine route.

Walking up the Band with Langdale behind.

Ben checking out the classic Bowfell Buttress which saw several ascents during the day

The North Buttress of Bowfell with the line of Flight or Flight marked. The VIIIs take the prominent grooves on the right of the photo.

Ben on the first grade 6 pitch

Me about to step off the starting pinnacle on the final pitch and commit to the crack.
Well Jealous of the sunny day you had! Is Soul Vacation totally out of condition now?
Franco I think soul vacation comes into condition very quickly i.e. overnight, but it will also strip within a few hours. Turf is well frozen at the moment so all it needs is whiteness. Timing your visit will need a bit of cunning and fair ammount of luck. Hope some comes your way, looks like a fine route.
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