The film Andy Kirkpatrick and I produced along with Alastair Lee has now won four different film festival awards. The Best Adventure Film, and the Peoples Choice at Kendal, the Best Mountaineering Film at Vancouver and now Best Film of the Festival at the 5 Point Festival held in Carbondale in America. At the 5 Point Festival we even got a special mention from Yvon Chouinard saying it was one of the best climbing films he'd seen! Its feedback like that that makes all the fumbling with frozen fingers to get the camera out even when we were having quite a few "challenging moments" climbing, seem worthwhile.
If you haven't seen the film yet its part of "Psyche" Alastair Lee trilogy of films including a profile of Steve Mclure and a film following Dave Birkett up a stunning first ascent on Skye. You can watch snipits and order it from