Beginning to get up to speed here in Austria. Yesterday 'got involved' as my friend Timmy would say with this cheeky number. Short bit of scratching followed by a few lock offs to get established on the ice...

Luckily leading to a resting ledge then a surprisingly steep finishing 20metres.

This was today's mission - Gasteiner Wasserfall, right in the middle of Bad Gastein, viewable from the main street and therefore a potential for much public humiliation!

Luckily I managed to excavate my way through the icicles of the first pitch.

...and neil did the business on the top chandeliery column
Pop in for a cup of tea if you're in Innsbruck. X
Thanks Franco, you climbing out this way? I head back tomorrow but managed to do the super classic Supervisor yesterday - so chuffed with my trip
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