Interesting day at White Goods today with Andy Turner - Shock Horror! there were other people at the crag, in fact so busy it felt like the catwalk at
Malham on a bank holiday. Well perhaps the only similarity was that everyone was hanging off their respective routes '
sur le chien' so to speak.

Learnt a few things today. I've been using my fig fours to traverse round the Edge bouldering wall and with three of the four sides overhanging it's not easy. In fact going by today's routes it is somewhere between M8 and M9. So I wasn't totally and utterly crap - managing to do the moves on an M9 called 'Tumble'. However despite that training I was still fairly crap with the locals Dave, Si (above on an M9/M9+) and non local Andy showing me how far I have to go.
Still whilst I am a long way off the pace I can at least still glimpse the rest of the field and know now how far I have to go.